Hi, I'm Flo­ri­an.

I turn ide­as in­to di­gi­tal in­no­va­tions.

Ha­ving 20 ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence I help as a fre­e­lan­cer to crea­te ground-brea­king di­gi­tal pro­ducts with AI that exci­te users.

I am In­te­rim CPO and Se­ni­or Pro­duct Ow­ner.

Hel­ping com­pa­nies to be­co­me mar­ket lea­ders with di­gi­tal in­no­va­tions - that is my mis­si­on.

If you are loo­king for an ex­pe­ri­en­ced, fre­e­lan­ce pro­duct stra­te­gist with AI fo­cus to gui­de you from vi­si­on to mar­ket-re­a­dy di­gi­tal in­no­va­ti­on, I am re­a­dy to help.

I love SaaS (Soft­ware-as-a-Ser­vice), e-com­mer­ce, web por­tals or apps - B2B and B2C.

Interim CPO

Stra­te­gic lea­dership that de­li­vers im­pact

As a peop­le-first lea­der, I get your pro­duct vi­si­on on track, build strong teams and en­su­re sustainable suc­cess – ex­act­ly when you need it.

149 €/hour

Senior Product Owner

Agi­le ex­per­ti­se for in­no­va­ti­ve pro­ducts

As an ex­pe­ri­en­ced fre­e­lan­cer, I sup­port you in de­ve­lo­ping mar­ket-re­a­dy pro­ducts – from the idea to op­ti­miza­t­i­on – with a cle­ar struc­tu­re and mea­sura­ble re­sults.

129 €/hour

Con­sul­ting on De­mand

Fle­xi­ble im­pul­ses ge­ne­ra­te mo­men­tum

As your Trusted Ad­vi­sor, I am avail­able on an hour­ly or dai­ly ba­sis to help you mas­ter your chal­len­ges with a stra­te­gic fo­cus and prac­tical so­lu­ti­ons.

199 €/hour

Your com­pa­ny de­ser­ves to re­vo­lu­tio­ni­ze your in­dus­try.

Nice to meet you...

I am Flo­ri­an Mi­cha­lik.

I be­lie­ve that re­al in­no­va­ti­on emer­ges when the fo­cus is on peop­le. As an In­te­rim CPO or Se­ni­or Pro­duct Ow­ner, I help you bring your vi­si­on to mar­ket.

Smart use of AI (ar­ti­fi­ci­al in­tel­li­gence) crea­tes op­por­tu­nities that see­med un­at­tainable be­fo­re. Agi­li­ty and a le­an star­t­up ap­proach pro­vi­de the ne­cessa­ry fle­xi­bi­li­ty.

With 20 ye­ars of ex­pe­ri­ence in di­gi­tal pro­duct de­ve­lop­ment, from SaaS and e-com­mer­ce to web por­tals and apps in B2B and B2C, I gui­de you to bring ground­brea­king di­gi­tal pro­ducts to mar­ket that de­light your cust­o­m­ers and dri­ve your busi­ness for­ward.

In clo­se col­la­bo­ra­ti­on with you, I de­ve­lop a cle­ar pro­duct stra­te­gy and road­map that we will con­sis­tent­ly turn in­to rea­li­ty.

My mis­si­on: to crea­te well thought-out, suc­cess­ful pro­ducts that re­vo­lu­tio­ni­ze the mar­ket.

Ba­sed in Ber­lin, I work re­mo­te­ly with cli­ents across Eu­ro­pe.

I in­spi­re. I ad­vi­se. I im­ple­ment.

20+ years

di­gi­tal pro­duct de­ve­lop­ment

50+ projects

gui­ded to suc­cess

7 industries

sup­por­ted in pro­jects

1 mission

Di­gi­tal pro­duct stra­te­gy and in­no­va­ti­on

How we work to­ge­ther

As a fre­e­lan­cer, I ta­ke a prag­ma­tic ap­proach in which we com­bi­ne your know­ledge of the cust­o­m­er, busi­ness mo­del and in­dus­try with my ex­per­ti­se in di­gi­tal pro­duct de­ve­lop­ment.

Ins­tead of big pre­sen­ta­ti­ons, I fo­cus on short, re­gu­lar con­sul­ta­ti­ons.

The aim is to achie­ve re­sults quick­ly and gain cla­ri­ty at an ear­ly sta­ge. This enables us to iden­ti­fy risks at an ear­ly sta­ge and ex­ploit po­ten­ti­al in a tar­ge­ted man­ner.

Risk-free 14-day tri­al

If you are not 100% sa­tis­fied wi­t­hin the first 14 ca­len­dar days, you can ter­mi­na­te the co­ope­ra­ti­on im­me­dia­te­ly (wi­thout gi­ving re­a­sons) and do not ha­ve to pay any­thing.

Can­cel­la­ti­on pe­ri­od fle­xi­ble

You can fre­e­ly choo­se the no­ti­ce pe­ri­od that ap­p­lies af­ter the pro­ba­tio­na­ry pe­ri­od. From 1 day to 3 months.

Bil­led on an hour­ly ba­sis

The ser­vice is bil­led every month to the mi­nu­te on the ba­sis of the agreed hour­ly ra­te.

Fre­quent­ly as­ked ques­ti­ons (FAQ)

Are you cur­rent­ly avail­able?

At the top of this pa­ge, in the in­fo bar, the­re is a re­fe­rence to my avail­a­bi­li­ty. Just wri­te to me with the de­tails of your pro­ject and we'll see if and when it fits.

What is your dai­ly ra­te?

I char­ge ex­act­ly by mi­nu­te. My hour­ly ra­te de­pends on the ty­pe of pro­ject and the uti­liza­t­i­on and starts at 129 € net.

Do you ha­ve ex­pe­ri­ence with...?

Pro­bab­ly yes 😉 My ex­pe­ri­ence in­clu­des: Pro­duct Ow­nership, CPO, COO, SaaS, Web Por­tals, Desk­top Ap­p­li­ca­ti­ons, B2B, B2C, B2B2C, In­no­va­ti­on, Pro­duct Stra­te­gy, Pro­duct-Mar­ket Fit, Go-to-Mar­ket Stra­te­gy, User Re­se­arch, Pro­duct Ma­nage­ment, Le­an Star­t­up, Scrum, SAFe, Kan­ban, OKR, Agi­le Prin­ci­ples, Agi­le Va­lues, Busi­ness Mo­del De­ve­lop­ment, Busi­ness Mo­del Ge­ne­ra­ti­on, Busi­ness mo­del pat­terns, Flyw­heel, Ge­ne­ra­ti­ve AI, Ma­chi­ne Learning, AI Agents, As­sis­tants, RAG, Code In­ter­pre­ter, Fi­n­etu­ning, OpenAI-API, Da­ta In­tel­li­gence, Cor­po­ra­ti­ons, Star­tups, Me­di­um-si­zed com­pa­nies, Tele­com­mu­ni­ca­ti­ons in­dus­try, Ed­Tech, E-Com­mer­ce, On­line tra­de, E-Health, Con­su­mer goods, E-Pro­cu­re­ment, Ed­Tech, Phar­maceu­ti­cal in­dus­try, and much mo­re.

Whe­re do you li­ve? Do you work re­mo­te­ly?

I usual­ly work re­mo­te­ly from Ber­lin for cli­ents in Ger­ma­ny and throughout Eu­ro­pe.Oc­ca­sio­nal on-site ap­point­ments (e.g. work­shops) are no pro­blem.

Are the­re any pro­jects that you don't do?

Yes - what I do is my pas­si­on and not just a job. That's why I'm pi­cky when it co­mes to pro­jects. I want to “ma­ke a dent in the uni­ver­se” with di­gi­tal pro­ducts, as Ste­ve Jobs on­ce said. I love chal­len­ges and suc­ces­ses. That's why I so­me­ti­mes turn down pro­jects if the to­pic doe­sn't exci­te me per­so­nal­ly. - My cust­o­m­ers be­ne­fit from the fact that I am re­al­ly pas­sio­na­te about their to­pic when I ta­ke on their pro­ject.

Let's talk about it...!

Your next step towards pro­duct in­no­va­ti­on - I'm re­a­dy when you are.